Pursuing Compensation For Motorcycle Accident Victims

There is a bias against motorcycle riders. Many people believe that motorcyclists are naturally reckless, going too fast and swerving through traffic. In the event of an accident between a motorcycle rider and another vehicle, fingers are often pointed at the motorcyclist, regardless of who was really at fault. Injured motorcyclists need to consider this when pursuing a personal injury claim for compensation.

The Knowledge to Build Strong Cases

At Tisdal & O'Hara, PLLC, our attorneys are experienced and knowledgeable in how perceptions can impact motorcycle wreck claims, particularly when cases are taken into court to be tried in front of a judge and jury. We know how much care needs to be taken to ensure that we have all of the facts, and we know that we must be able to present those facts clearly in order to make jury members understand what actually happened and who was truly at fault. Contact us today to represent you; we offer a FREE initial consultation.

Will the Motorcycle Crash Case Go to Trial?

Victims of motorcycle accidents often wonder whether their claim will go to trial. Our lawyers always prepare for the possibility of a courtroom battle. If the insurance company is unwilling to agree to a fair settlement, we will be ready to take the next step.

Often, it is our trial-readiness that allows us to settle cases successfully. Our opponent will see that we are not merely bluffing. They will know that we are prepared to go to court, and they will know that we have a record of success at trial. For that reason, they may be willing to agree to our terms and provide the money that you need to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and other costs. If they do not, we will take the case to court.


Contact Tisdal & O'Hara today by calling one of our office locations or reaching us by email message.