Cy Pres Funds Distributed to Educational and Civic Recipients

TISDAL & O'HARA partners Mart Tisdal, Pat O'Hara, and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. recently distributed over $200,000 to various educational and civic recipients, including the Erick, Oklahoma Public Schools; Mangum, Oklahoma Public Schools; Southwestern Oklahoma State University at Sayre, Oklahoma; Beckham County Drug Court; Legal Aid of Western Oklahoma; Sayre Memorial Hospital, Great Plains Regional Medical Center; the Washita/Custer County Drug Court; and the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma for Beckham and Greer Counties. These funds were approved for distribution by District Judge Doug Haught in an Order dated May 23, 2012, as part of a cy pres class action distribution in Dodson v. Phillips Petroleum, Case No. CJ-2004-119, Beckham County, Oklahoma.

The cy pres doctrine originated at common law. Today, the cy pres doctrine is utilized by courts in the class action context to direct funds that are not being distributed to individual class members to their "next best use." These distributions come as a direct result of the resolution of the above captioned case by class counsel Mart Tisdal, Pat O'Hara and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. of TISDAL & O'HARA, PLLC., and by Order of the District Court for Beckham County, Oklahoma.


Patrick O'Hara, Jr., Mart Tisdal, and Pat O'Hara present a check in the amount of $90,000
to Jeff Kelly, superintendent of the Erick, Oklahoma Public Schools.


Mart Tisdal, Patrick O'Hara, Jr., and Pat O'Hara present a check in the amount of $50,000
to representatives of Southwestern Oklahoma State University at Sayre. Photo courtesy of SWOSU.

CommunityHigh Five
Attorneys Participate in Mock Trials

TISDAL & O'HARA attorneys Luke Adams and Carissa King recently participated in a series of mock trials, presented by the Custer County Bar Association in honor of Law Day. Four mock trials were staged in front of more than 300 local fifth grade students. Adams and King played the role of Kris "Shooter" Jones, a high school soccer star charged with texting while driving, resulting in a motor vehicle accident.


(L-R) Associate District Judge Jill Weedon, Carissa King, and a local student selected to serve as bailiff.


(L-R) Special Judge Donna Dirickson, Luke Adams, and a local student selected to serve as bailiff.

CommunityHigh Five
Clinton Tee Ball Team Completes Season

Team TISDAL & O'HARA, a Clinton tee ball team comprised of children ages four through six, recently completed their summer season.


Pictured at far right is team coach and TISDAL & O'HARA associate Luke Adams.

CommunityHigh Five
Carissa King Named 2012 Law Day Chair

Carissa King was appointed as the 2012 Law Day Chair for the Custer County Bar Association, coordinating the local "Ask a Lawyer" program in conjunction with the statewide campaign to answer legal questions by phone.

CommunityHigh Five