Awards and Recognition
TISDAL & O'HARA has been selected to the 2016 Edition of "Best Law Firms", which is published by U.S. News & World & World Report and Best Lawyers.
Luke Adams was appointed to the Oklahoma Bar Journal Board of Editors, which reads and selects articles to be published in the Oklahoma Bar Journal and chooses the recipient of the Golden Quill Award presented at the Oklahoma Bar Association Annual Meeting.
Mart Tisdal was recently named chairman of the Oklahoma Attorneys Mutual Insurance Company (OAMIC) board for the 2016-17 term. Mart has served on the OAMIC Board of Directors since 1995.
Patrick O'Hara, Jr. was named to the Oklahoma Bar Foundation Board of Trustees. The Oklahoma Bar Foundation (OBF) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1949 by members of the Oklahoma Bar Association (OBA) to accomplish law-related charitable good works statewide.
ISDAL & O'HARA has received a Tier 1 ranking in the 2015 Edition of "Best Law Firms" rankings, which is published by U.S. News & World & World Report and Best Lawyers.
Clinton attorney Mart Tisdal was recently recognized as the 2013 Eugene Kuntz Award recipient at the annual Eugene Kuntz Conference on Natural Resources Law and Policy in Oklahoma City.
Mart Tisdal was appointed to serve as vice chair of the Oklahoma Attorneys Mutual Insurance Company (OAMIC) board for the 2013 term. Mart has served on the OAMIC Board of Directors since 1995.
TISDAL & O'HARA is pleased to announce that it has received a Tier 1 ranking in the 2013 Edition of "Best Law Firms," published by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers.
Luke Adams was selected to serve as a member of the Oklahoma Bar Association Young Lawyers Division Budget Committee.
Mart Tisdal has been named to the 2013 edition of Best Lawyers in the categories of Oil and Gas Law and Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Plaintiffs.
Mart Tisdal has been named to the 2012 edition of Best Lawyers in the categories of Oil and Gas Law and Mass Tort Litigation.
Mart Tisdal and Patrick O'Hara were named Oklahoma Super Lawyers. Only five percent of lawyers in each state receive this annual award.
Speaking Engagements & Presentations
Pat O'Hara delivered a talk entitled "Royalty Valuation" to the 2007 OK-NARO Convention.
Pat O'Hara delivered a talk entitled "Lease Forms - Clauses I Need to Include and What I Need to Know to Write a Lease that Protects Me" to the 2009 OK-NARO Convention.
Pat O'Hara delivered a talk entitled "Getting Your Client Paid on His Oil and Gas Proceeds" to an OBA Seminar entitled "Oil and Gas Law for the General Practitioner."
Mart Tisdal, Pat O'Hara and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. spoke at the Energy and Estate Planning Seminar in Clinton, Oklahoma, sponsored by First Bank & Trust Company in Clinton.
Mart Tisdal and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. spoke at the 2011 Legislative Breakfast, presenting an analysis of proposed energy and tort reform legislation to area judges, legislators and lawyers.
TISDAL & O'HARA partner Patrick O'Hara, Jr. was the featured speaker at the OBA/CLE event AG Futures: The Latest Developments in Agriculture Law and Their Projected Impact on Oklahoma Ag Producers and Landowners-Landowner Rights in Today's Oil Patch.
Mart Tisdal and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. addressed oil and gas issues at the Adult Continuing Education Conference, sponsored by Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, where there were more than 120 attendees. Please click here for more information.
An article written by Luke Adams, TISDAL & O'HARA associate, was featured in the March issue of the Oklahoma Bar Journal. The article, entitled Work/Life 'Balance' - No Such Thing, is available here.
Mart Tisdal and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. spoke at the Adult Continuing Education Conference, sponsored by Southwestern Oklahoma State University, on October 2, 2012. They discussed Water: The Basics Plus Current Oil and Gas Related Issues.
On May 8, 2013, Tisdal & O'Hara partner Patrick O'Hara, Jr. spoke at the National Trust Real Estate Association 2013 Educational/Development Forum. Mr. O'Hara's talk focused on land and mineral owner issues. The forum was held at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City.
TISDAL & O'HARA attorneys will address the 2014 Western Oklahoma Land, Water, Wind and Mineral Conference on Thursday, August 21 at the SWOSU Pioneer Cellular Event Center in Weatherford. Topics to be covered include surface damages, pipeline easements, oil and gas leases, wind turbines, and estate planning. CPA David Phillips will address royalty check issues.
The Western Oklahoma Land, Water, Wind and Mineral Conference took place on Thursday, August 21 at the SWOSU Pioneer Cellular Event Center - Skyview Suite in Weatherford. TISDAL & O'HARA attorneys Mart Tisdal, Pat O'Hara, Patrick O'Hara, Jr., Luke Adams, and Carissa King addressed attendees on a variety of topics. More than 120 were in attendance.
Mart Tisdal recently addressed the 2015 Eugene Kuntz Conference on Natural Resources Law and Policy. In his presentation, "Point/Counterpoint: Local Government Zoning and the Oil and Gas Industry,"
TISDAL & O'HARA attorneys addressed the 2014 Western Oklahoma Land, Water, Wind and Mineral Conference on Thursday, August 21 at the SWOSU Pioneer Cellular Event Center
On May 8, 2013, Tisdal & O'Hara partner Patrick O'Hara, Jr. spoke at the National Trust Real Estate Association 2013 Educational/Development Forum.
Mart Tisdal and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. spoke at the Adult Continuing Education Conference, sponsored by Southwestern Oklahoma State University, on October 2, 2012.
Mart Tisdal and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. addressed oil and gas issues at the Adult Continuing Education Conference, sponsored by Southwestern Oklahoma State University
TISDAL & O'HARA partner Patrick O'Hara, Jr. was the featured speaker at an OBA/CLE event entitled AG Futures: The Latest Developments in Agriculture Law and
Mart Tisdal, Pat O'Hara and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. spoke at the Energy and Estate Planning Seminar in Clinton, Oklahoma, sponsored by First Bank & Trust Company in Clinton.
Pat O'Hara delivered a talk entitled "Getting Your Client Paid on His Oil and Gas Proceeds" to an OBA Seminar entitled "Oil and Gas Law for the General Practitioner."
Mart Tisdal and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. spoke at the 2011 Legislative Breakfast in Clinton, Oklahoma, presenting an analysis of proposed energy and tort reform legislation to area judges, legislators and lawyers.
Pat O'Hara delivered a talk entitled "Lease Forms - Clauses I Need to Include and What I Need to Know to Write a Lease that Protects Me" to the 2009 OK-NARO Convention.
Pat O'Hara delivered a talk entitled "Royalty Valuation" to the 2007 OK-NARO Convention.
Luke Adams was recently named to the Board of Editors of the Oklahoma Bar Journal. The OBJ, published 34 times each year, is the official member publication of the Oklahoma Bar Association. Each issue is sent to more than 16,000 attorneys.
TISDAL & O'HARA partners Mart Tisdal, Pat O'Hara, and Patrick O'Hara, Jr. recently distributed over $200,000 to various educational and civic recipients, including the Erick, Oklahoma Public Schools; Mangum, Oklahoma Public Schools;
TISDAL & O'HARA attorneys Luke Adams and Carissa King recently participated in a series of mock trials, presented by the Custer County Bar Association in honor of Law Day.
Team TISDAL & O'HARA, a Clinton tee ball team comprised of children ages four through six, recently completed their summer season.
TISDAL & O'HARA attorneys and staff participated in the Relay For Life of Custer County, an American Cancer Society fundraiser held on April 20-21, 2012.
Carissa King was appointed as the 2012 Law Day Chair for the Custer County Bar Association, coordinating the local "Ask a Lawyer" program in conjunction with the statewide campaign to answer legal questions by phone.
On September 24, 2011, TISDAL & O'HARA attorneys and staff from the Clinton office participated in the Downtown Dash, which took place in Clinton, Oklahoma.